School Mobilization Model

Since 2017, when South Eugene High School was the first school to mobilize with 15th Night to serve as a resource for all students, the School Mobilization Model (SMM) has grown to include 12 schools across seven school districts in Lane County and is expanding to Beaverton School District in Portland.

The 15th Night School Mobilization Model is set up to help support all students with the hope of removing stigma around resource access and ensuring that we are reaching those who have the greatest need.

A mini version of the 15th Night community model, the SMM removes barriers for any student who needs any resource, regardless of their housing status.

  • Resource mapping: 15th Night and school staff – from the principal and teachers to classified staff positions – determine what resources the school has and what resources or services the school wants and needs.
  • Resource treasure hunt: 15th Night leads this class activity involving students to find out resources available and where to access them. Follow-up activity includes discussion about barriers to students and how to remove them. Students also create a wish list of the resources and services they think should be available to them and their peers.
  • Report for school administration: 15th Night compiles a report of recommendations to remove barriers to accessing resources and ideas for bringing community resources into the school.
  • School-specific Rapid Access Network (RAN): The RAN is set up so that school staff can help their students get connected to school resources as quickly as possible. A Google Form provides a confidential way for students to request support. The school recruits Community Responder volunteers to fulfill needs that can’t be met at the school site.

If you are interested in supporting one of 15th Night’s partner schools, you can sign up to be a Community Responder here or purchase items from a school’s Amazon wish list here.

If you have questions about the School Mobilization Model or want more information, please email us at

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15th Night
15th Night