Host Home


Host Home Program Acts as Safety Net for Students Experiencing Homelessness

February 14, 2022

She knew something was up. Her mom seemed distracted and distant. Things were hard. They kept moving from place to place, this mother and daughter duo. Today she was waking up in a trailer on someone’s property as she got ready for school. 

After basketball practice, she got a ride home from a teammate. It was dark outside and there were no lights on in the trailer. As she approached she saw a note taped to the door. “I’ve headed for Vegas. I will be in touch later.” Several days passed before she heard from her mom that she wasn’t coming back and that she needed to find a place to stay. 

Where would she go? Who would she confide in? Could she stay in school? On the team? This is where the Host Home program can step in.

A local organization, A Family for Every Child (AFFEC) runs our local Host Home program for high school students 16-21 years. They rely on volunteers who are willing to “host” a student for emergency, short or long term stays. Host Home families are screened, trained and supported by AFFEC. Schools refer qualified students to the program and AFFEC works to find an Host Home family that can meet the needs of the student. AFFEC staff are available 24/7 to both the HH families and the student. They work closely with the school and other service providers to help connect the student to other resources and services while working to identify a permanent housing solution.

Host Home families decide how long they are willing to open their home. It could be one night, a week, a month or longer. You could help answer the questions “Where will I go, can I stay in school, can I stay on the team?” For more information, please contact Jan Ferguson at A Family for Every Child.

Click here to read more about the Host Home program.